More Book Sale Treasures

The Saskatoon Symphony has started having an overstock sale in November. Bless their hearts! I can go treasure hunting twice a year now!

Here are my latest finds:

Canadian Who’s Who (2004)
For $2.00 I can afford to feed my vanity. 🙂
Hutchinson’s Pictorial Encyclopaedia
Published Weekly in the 1930’s for 25 cents each, I got the complete set of 80 magazines for $20 – which is what they would have cost when they first came out! I can hardly wait to dive into these.
Jesus Christ Superstar
The two-album set for $2.00. Couldn’t resist.
The Barra MacNeils Christmas Album II
I try to buy one new Christmas CD every year. This year’s was only $1.00!
Once again I’m happy with my treasures from the Symphony Book and Music Sale. You should check it out! Tomorrow (Sunday November 20th) is the last day. It’s open from noon until 5:00 p.m.

May Long Weekend

What a fabulous weekend that was! I got all my yard work done, and had time for a walk along the river on Sunday morning, and a walk around Martensville Monday morning. I added two new birds to my list – American Wigeon, and Ring-necked Duck. Here are my best pictures from the weekend:

Clay-coloured Sparrow

Clay-coloured Sparrow


Canada Goose

Canada Goose

American Wigeon

American Wigeon


Thirteen-lined Ground Squirrel

Thirteen-lined Ground Squirrel

Yellow Warbler

Yellow Warbler



Hallelujah to that!

I love Easter for a lot of reasons:

  • Lent is over. This year I gave up tea. What was I thinking? 🙂 It wasn’t the caffeine I missed, because I only drink tea that’s caffeine-free, but the actual drinking of the tea. I find it calming. So what did I do instead? Meditate? No. Exercise? No. Snack? Unfortunately, yes. Oh well, I always figure Lent is a time to learn something about yourself. I learned that I eat less if I drink tea. And after so long without tea – does it ever taste good! Hallelujah to that!
  • Winter is over. No matter how long Old Man Winter tried to hang around this year, Easter officially kicks him to the curb. The sun is up earlier and sets later every day. The snow is finally melting. Hallelujah to that!
  • The birds are on their way back. A friend saw some Horned Larks in the Dundurn area yesterday. I haven’t seen any returnees yet, but I love going out walking with the possibility of seeing them. Especially the first Robin. Hallelujah to that!
  • It reminds me there is always hope. No matter how dark things look, how far from our plans life may have thrown us, Easter says there is hope. Hallelujah to that!
  • We get to say Hallelujah! a lot. There’s a word we don’t say enough, I think. I look around and see how blessed I am, and I can’t help but say Hallelujah! Next time I think I have something to complain about, maybe I’ll just say Hallelujah! instead. Hallelujah to that!