The weasel is back.
For those of you who don’t have a clue what I’m talking about, I discovered that there’s a weasel inside me. But I won the battle and ran 5K nonstop at the Bridge City Boogie in June. Yay me!
So my plan is to continue running throughout the summer – Monday, Wednesday and Friday – and do another 5K run (Run for Your Life, in Martensville) on Sept. 7th and see if I can improve my time.
But like I said, the weasel is back and he’s sneakier than ever. He’s realized that once I get on the treadmill, there’s no tempting me. I’m going to run my planned time and nothing he can say is going to get to me. However, he’s discovered that my real weakness is getting my sorry butt out of bed and on to the treadmill in the first place. The last week of school, it was Dianne 1, Weasel 2. I ran Monday, but slept in Wednesday and Friday. Summer should be easier, as I don’t have to get up at 6 to be able to fit a run in.
The weasel’s not done with me yet, though. On Monday, I was going to run outside for a change, but by the time I got up and ready, it was hot out already. “Oh well,” said Mr. Weasel, “maybe it will be cooler tomorrow. No sense running in this heat.” AND HE ALMOST HAD ME!! But then I realized I could just go downstairs and run on the treadmill. Duh! So this week it’s Dianne 1, Weasel 0 so far. Game on!
Oh, you might be wondering why it’s MR. Weasel. I know it’s a male weasel by the way he tempts me. He sympathizes with me “you look tired, maybe you should sit this one out” and gives me false encouragement “wow, look how well you’ve done, you deserve a break”. If it was a female weasel, I think the temptations would sound more like this – “don’t let society dictate the way you look – you’re fine the way you are” or “you’re just big boned”. Not sure that even makes the slightest bit of sense, but that’s how my brain works. 🙂