Martensville Dog Park FOY 2022

My dog (Posey) and I go to the dog park almost every morning, so I decided to start a FOY (First of the Year) list of the birds (and non-birds) I see there. And starting from yesterday, I’ll include the date I saw them.

  1. Black-capped Chickadee 
  2. Black-billed Magpie 
  3. Downy Woodpecker
  4. House Sparrow 
  5. House Finch 
  6. Common Raven 
  7. Common Redpoll 
  8. Gull species
  9. Canada Goose
  10. American Crow
  11. Dark-eyed Junco
  12. Western Meadowlark
  13. American Robin
  14. Red-winged Blackbird (only the males so far) (females May 11)
  15. Bufflehead (a male and a female)
  16. Eared Grebe 
  17. Mallard
  18. Willet
  19. Common Grackle
  20. Killdeer
  21. Owl species (we startled each other so I didn’t get a close enough look to identify it, and of course it was a day when I didn’t have my camera with me)
  22. Mourning Dove (May 4)
  23. Horned Grebe (May 5)
  24. American Tree Sparrow (May 5)
  25. Wilson’s Snipe (May 5)
  26. Song Sparrow (May 6)
  27. Yellow-rumped Warbler (May 6)
  28. White-throated Sparrow (May 6)
  29. Brown-headed Cowbird (May 7)
  30. Red-necked Grebe (May 8)
  31. Yellow-headed Blackbird (May 8)
  32. Lesser Scaup (May 8)
  33. Brown Thrasher (May 8)
  34. Green-winged Teal (May 9)
  35. Hairy Woodpecker (May 9)
  36. Orange-crowned Warbler (May 9)
  37. Tree Swallow (May 11)
  38. Blue-winged Teal (May 11)
  39. Gadwall (May 11)
  40. Spotted Sandpiper (May 11)
  41. Northern Flicker (should have been added earlier)
  42. Redhead (May 12)
  43. Northern Shoveler (May 12)
  44. Swainson’s Thrush (May 13)
  45. American Redstart (May 15)
  46. Yellow Warbler (May 15)
  47. Baltimore Oriole (May 15)
  48. Clay-coloured Sparrow (May 16)
  49. Purple Martin (May 17)
  50. Rose-breasted Grosbeak (May 17)
  51. Least Flycatcher (May 19)
  52. House Wren (May 19)
  53. American Coot (May 19)
  54. Harris’s Sparrow (May 19)
  55. Eastern Kingbird (May 24)
  56. Warbling Vireo (May 24)
  57. American Goldfinch (May 25)
  58. Brewer’s Blackbird (May 26)
  59. Black Tern (May 26)
  60. Chipping Sparrow (May 26)
  61. Alder Flycatcher (June 3)
  62. Common Yellowthroat (June 8)
  63. Canvasback (June 23)
  64. Cedar Waxwing (June 29)
  65. Vesper Sparrow (July 1)
  66. Sedge Wren (July 1)
  67. Savannah Sparrow (July 1)
  68. Rusty Blackbird
  69. Dark-eyed Junco


  1. Mourning Cloak Butterfly
  2. Garter Snake (May 4)
  3. Tick (May 6)
  4. Coyote (May 15)
  5. Mule Deer (May 17)
  6. Cabbage White Butterfly (May 25)
  7. Silvery Blue Butterfly (June 2)
  8. Familiar Bluet Damselfly (June 3)
  9. White Admilral Butterfly (July 8)