UPDATE: Two out of three’s not bad! Rather than semipalmated sandpipers, the first three pictures are of Sanderlings – the first two in non-breeding plumage and the third in breeding plumage. I got the Tennessee Warbler and the Swainson’s Thrush right. Thanks to Richard and Stan for their help.
A rainy day is a good day to go through the pictures I’ve taken lately. And once again I’m asking for help.
The first three I think are semipalmated sandpipers, but I’m not sure. I’m going by the black legs and lack of marking on the chest. I do have a question as well – one (the third picture) seems much darker than the other. Is this because it’s wet? Or is it a male/female difference?
The next one I think is a Tennessee Warbler. I think I see a line through it’s eye, but it could just be shadow, or my vivid imagination. 🙂
And the last one I think is a Swainson’s Thrush because of the eye ring and buffy extension on to the face (spectacles).
Any help is appreciated. I’ve learned so much from the SK Birds group already. Thanks.
Your first 3 pictures show SANDERLING in various stages of molt from non breeding to breeding plumage. The others are identified properly Tennessee Warbler and Swainson’s Thrush
The brown headed shorebird is a Sanderling in breeding plumage. The other 2 are Sanderlings in non-breeding plumage. Semipalmated Sandpipers would be slightly smaller with a shorter bill. Sanderlings are a common late spring migrant through the Saskatoon bird district.
I agree with your ID of the warbler and thrush. Note the eye-ring on the thrush.
Stan Shadick
Saskatoon Nature Society
Thank you Richard and Stan!