Wednesday, January 29th
Brrr! Another cold morning – minus 36 with the windchill. After another delicious omelette we left Buffalo Narrows and the Krow’s Nest Inn for the last time.
We drove to Canoe Lake, and on the way saw a bobcat! Not the machine kind, the animal kind! I didn’t get a picture because I figured by the time I got my camera out the bobcat would be gone and I would have missed getting a good look at it. It was beautiful.
Canoe Narrows is the actual name of the community (although everybody seems to refer to it as Canoe Lake), but the school is Canoe Lake Miksiw School. My uncle actually taught in Canoe Lake 40 some years ago. The school is a new one now. The community has a population of about 700. I’m not sure what the school’s population is. They chose 12 kids each from grades 2 to 6 to attend the presentation. They were a great group and I really enjoyed it. We were in the library, which was a bit disorganized due to lack of staff, but the kids were definitely used to being read to. After more of Harriet’s delicious homemade soup, we were off to Cole Bay.
Cole Bay is a smaller community of about 230 people. The school has about 45 students, so I was able to present to everyone who was there that day (31 kids). Another wonderful group! Very attentive, great questions, and they even wished me an early happy birthday when they heard that my birthday was only a couple of weeks away. Really nice kids, who showed a lot of respect for each other. Impressive.
On our way out of town we saw a squirrel. Silly squirrel – you wouldn’t catch me out and about in this weather if I was a squirrel!
We stopped at the school in Beauval so Harriet and I could both check our email, then it was off to the Sandy Beach Resort, which is about 11 km east of Beauval.
We’re staying in a 2-bedroom cabin. (You can also see our vehicle.)Despite the cold, I bundled up and walked down to the lake shore. (Not a great picture but it does say “cold”, doesn’t it?)
I bet this place is gorgeous in the summer! We went to the lodge for supper – homemade beef stew and homemade buns. It was soooo good! Then some friends of the owners’ dropped in and brought fresh fried bannock and shared it with us. I LOVE fried bannock!
Off to Jans Bay and Patuanak tomorrow.
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