Cool History

I have to admit, I’ve never been terribly interested in history. That is, until now. My sister-in-law, Brenda, has recently gotten me hooked on digging into our family tree. I’m amazed at the stuff you can find on the internet. For example:

Here’s the passenger list from the S.S. Minnedosa that arrived in Quebec on October 16th, 1925 with my paternal grandmother’s family aboard (her name was Anna Matthies, and she was 22 years old). They were brought here from Russia “under the auspices of the Mennonite Board, Rosthern, Sask.” but were quarantined because of the mumps!

CanadianPassengerLists1865-1935Here’s a link to the image that you can enlarge enough to read, if you’re interested.

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