Those (be)Little Marks

shoesI have a friend who is a beginning runner like me and she was looking for a virtual running buddy. That sounded just like what I needed! Someone to cheer me on when I’m doing good, to not make excuses for me but to find the positives when I’m down and can’t see them for myself, and someone that I can do the same for.

When I was thinking what to say in my message to her, I automatically started using quotation marks – and not in a good way.

    I’m a beginning “runner” – in other words, because I’m slow I shouldn’t really say that I run.

I “try” to run 3 times a week – in other words, because I don’t always succeed, I shouldn’t really count it as trying.

Someone to cheer me on when I’m doing “good” – in other words, because I’m not the fastest or run the longest distance, I shouldn’t really make too much of my little accomplishments.

Yikes. If someone else said that about me, in that way – Dianne’s a “runner” – I’d consider it a slam. So why do I do it to myself? They might just be little marks, but they’re powerful. I’ve decided it’s time to stop using them as belittle marks. Here’s my first attempt:

This morning I ran 2 km non-stop. It took me 18 minutes and 40 seconds. I’m proud of myself. Wednesday I’m going to try 2.5 km. Look out Bridge City Boogie 5km – I’m coming for ya! 🙂

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